
A storyboard is the blueprint of a film. Every other facet of animation revolves around it. It requires good draftsmanship, acting skills and good layout abilities. Here’s a collection of storyboards (that I am legally allowed to share publicly) from various clients and studios I’ve done business with over the last 33 years.

Above is the most recent film I am currently in production on titled “The Good, The Bad, and The Squishy” about an orca who quits his job at Ocean World to become a cowboy.

Above is a short film I did last Winter called “Bird Brains”
Ejected from their Uber on the way to Florida for the winter, a laid-back duck duo unexpectedly finds themselves at a dive bar, stumbling upon a challenge as they navigate the quirky bar scene while trying to prevent becoming the chef’s next culinary creation. Written by Mike Milo and Ken Pontac Storyboard and design by Mike Milo Voices by Mike Milo Music by Mile Zero.


Tons of TimmysLove At First Bark

Two and a Half BabiesBLT-All-Washed-UPBloos-GangTutenstein-fearless


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